
Catching the Korean Wave

The idea for the Korean Wave comes from Kim Gu,24小時跟拍 陳佩琪淚崩休診, a South Korean political leader from the 1940s. After World War II,八旬翁獲94萬善款「孫子女繼續念書」, he dreamed that South Korea would use soft power,瘋時尚/川久保玲玩「心」不滅! 大眼水汪汪圖騰登場, instead of violence, to change the world. It wasn’t until after the economic crisis of the 1990s that this idea began to take shape, and South Korea’s government changed laws that limited entertainment exports. Soon after that, South Korean TV dramas became popular in Japan, China, and Vietnam. South Korean pop music followed, with many K-pop songs becoming big hits across Asia.線上收聽請按韓流的概念來自四○年代的南韓政治領袖金九。第二次世界大戰後,他期望南韓能用軟實力,而非暴力,來改變全世界。直到九○年代經濟危機後,韓流的概念才開始成形,南韓政府改變了限制輸出影視娛樂的法規。不久後,南韓電視劇在日本、中國及越南大受歡迎。接著南韓流行音樂及歌曲走紅全亞洲。
生活必備字詞◎crisis n.危機(單數形).The company managed to survive the global economic crisis.◎take shape  逐漸成形.The idea for her latest art project began to take shape in Amy’s mind two months ago.

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俄羅斯國家管弦樂 亞洲巡迴首站在彰化

享譽國際的俄羅斯國家管弦樂團,八旬翁獲94萬善款「孫子女繼續念書」,將在六月份舉辦亞洲首場的演奏會,王力宏賭場擲千金 七十億分之一的機率?,地點就選在彰化縣立體育館,背物資到偏鄉 走路修學分,這也是彰化縣連續三年請來世界級的交響樂團來台演出,籃球/新聞盃做公益 正妹主播、中華隊主帥許晉哲領軍,希望樂迷們能夠把握機會,馬提撤彈 習僅說非針對台,前往聆聽。,威廉王子出訪中日 凱特卸貨倒數沒陪尪

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