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這則報導讓人聯想到導演凱文史密斯的首部驚悚片《人形海象》…中國一隻海象害死兩名男子。 此事發生在山東省威海,SBL/戴維斯好相處 看《少年Pi》想打虎,榮成市的西霞口野生動物園,馬英九當年參訪日本福岡 因為城市評比輸了「不服氣」!,死者是海象訓練師,美國狂增產 油價跌破50美元,和一名遊客。 據報,法律信箱:染髮髮質變差 母難告成美髮師,這起事件發生時間不詳,手麻代表快中風,該遊客不知為何,掉進這海中野獸的巢穴,而這水池竟沒有護欄! 海象訓練師對接下來的事渾然不覺,直接跳入水中救人。 這頭1.5噸重的野獸,接著「抱住」兩人,將他們拉進水中。 雖然他們試著掙脫,但海象將他們越拉越深,終究不幸溺斃。 工作人員起初以為海象只是想玩,試圖用竹棒將牠推離兩人身邊,但沒有成功。 此事件的影片被上傳到中國的社群網站,使網友質疑動物園的安全性。 但這座沒有護欄的海象展示池,據悉依然對外開放。 你要是以為中國會重視勞工的健康和安全,那就太傻了。就像對人權一樣,他們根本不重視。英文原文:In a story that sounds like something out of director Kevin Smith’s debut horror flick ‘Tusk’ … a walrus has killed two men in China. The incident saw the walrus take the lives of his trainer and a tourist at the Xixiakou Wildlife Park in Rongcheng city in China. In the as-of-yet undated event, reports indicate the tourist somehow fell into the killer sea beast’s barrier-less aquatic lair. Knowing little of what would happen next, the creature’s trainer dived in to try and save the man. The 1.5 ton beast then apparently ‘hugged’ both men and pulled them underwater. Despite their efforts to break free … … both men drowned as the walrus took them deeper and deeper. Staff thought it was being playful at first and later tried in vain to push the walrus from the men with bamboo sticks. Footage of the incident was posted to Chinese social media, prompting netizens to question the safety at the park. But the barrier-less walrus exhibit reportedly remains open. Silly of anyone to assume that China would look out for the health and safety of employees, JUST like it does human rights, which is to say, not at all. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1XKwVHg有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,