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激辯22小時 巴西通過彈劾案 女總統停職180天 批中全都錄 英女王大傘害的 東京奧運被爆 4800萬買主辦權 義國同性伴侶 合法了 《花花公子》轉型 首位女郎刊黑美人 廣西違法捕鯨鯊 當魚肥料賤賣 為分遺產拼生子 72歲當新手媽 智利學生抗議教改 鎮暴警察全面出動 最美新娘 少了腎臟多了弟弟 真的有效!女子戳色狼眼睛脫身 終極版美魔女 保養法大公開 女兒被SM逼當性奴23年 鬼父關15年出獄 名牌廣告低抄小內褲 網友怒批噁心 地表最強孕婦 要生了還舉重93公斤 愛吃披薩 竟然救了他一命 阿美族女孩攻哈佛博士班 為原民爭權益 看膩鄭捷了嗎?這鳥新聞絕對不能錯過 【有片】南港站升等 日京濱急行電鐵彩繪列車首亮相 遭搶17名畫 義5.2億國寶烏克蘭現身 路路通被批落後 交委主席:盼開發轉帳卡功能 與東大正妹一起坐飛機 日旅行社被批猥褻
蒙古小騎師沒保障 兒少團體籲立法 讚!國中生拯救飢餓 說服超市食物捐街友 暴雨都淹上車了 乘客仍淡定續搭 全球最大貨機升空 機迷都看傻了 超蠢 偷車賊跑給警察追 10歲女童破紀錄 90分做2110仰臥起坐 幼鯨擱淺 民眾不救還活宰當生魚片吃 【超強】華麗翻糖蛋糕 模仿汽水瓶好逼真 婆媳共事一夫 爭侍寢大打出手 同住20天 才發現「他」是腐爛屍體 【有片】妙齡女帶農藥找負心男 遇警 喝給你看 老共地方芝麻官 車被撞海K對方 【TOMO雙語爆】付不起水電費 男子偷熱水被捕 【TOMO雙語爆】英名媛抱起獻花「男童」誤會大了 【TOMO雙語爆】強國女表演電鑽吃玉米 不幸禿頭 【TOMO雙語爆】搖滾演唱會粉絲打架 咬掉人耳 【TOMO雙語爆】獅子王嘗試壯陽秘方犀牛角 Nothing Compares to You
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根據報導,更正啟示,蘇格蘭內衣業女王誤把男人當作小孩,神舟11號發射 太空人挑戰飛天33日,而在三千多人面前的台上,中秋烤肉 漁業署推薦當令漁產品,一把抱起越南娃娃臉房仲,時髦露肩衣 炎夏完勝,整件事誤會重重。 經過這次的難堪失誤,內衣女王Michelle Mone在抱起任何人之前,應該都會三思。 Mone當時在胡志明市(Ho Chi Minh City)的創業家大會上演說,一名年輕的粉絲帶著花籃跑上台。 Mone以為對方是可愛的6歲男孩,並對獻花感到受寵若驚,因此她抱起這個小子,還在台上把他抱得緊緊的。 她在事後表示,她當時就覺得奇怪,對方的牙齒怎麼會有,像是尼古丁造成的黃色煙漬。 不過,一直到一名觀眾大吼:「把他放下來,他是我老公」,Mone才發現她以為的小孩,是疑似46歲的已婚男子。 但率先報導此事的媒體,應該跟Mone一樣感到羞愧,因為現在我們知道,人們根本沒查明事實。 該名男子必須親自上臉書(Facebook)澄清,他不是中年老頭,他今年才22歲。 他還表示自己單身,並對Mone說他的牙齒因為尼古丁而發黃特別受傷,因為他這輩子根本就沒抽過煙。 Mone似乎對此事還能輕鬆看待,還為自己的失誤發佈了一則推特文章。 推特粉絲的反應則很兩極,有些人覺得此事非常爆笑,有些人則認為Mone透過讓別人難堪來博取關注。你認為呢?這一切只是Mone在作秀嗎?英文原文:People got the deets all wrong about the baby-faced Vietnamese real estate agent that a Scottish tycoon reportedly cuddled on stage in front of 3,000 people after mistaking him for a small child. After her recent embarrassing faux pas, Lingerie tycoon Michelle Mone will probably think twice before she ever picks up another person. Mone was giving a talk at an entrepreneur conference in Ho Chi Minh City when a young fan rushed onto the stage with a bouquet of flowers. Flattered by the attention from who she thought was an adorable 6-year-old child, Mone scooped the tiny person up and reportedly cuddled him on stage. She later says she had thought it strange his teeth were bright yellow as if they were stained by nicotine. However, until an audience member reportedly shouted, “Put him down, he’s my husband,” Mone had no idea the child she thought was holding was supposedly a 46-year-old married man. Whatever news agency first reported the incident should be just as embarrassed as Mone, though, since now we know that someone never bothered to fact check. The man himself had to take to Facebook to say that he in fact not a middle-aged old fart but just 22. Moreover, he says he’s single and has taken particular offense at the fact that Mone said his teeth were yellow from nicotine when in fact he’s never smoked a cigarette in his life. Mone seems to be treating the incident lightly and posted up a tweet of her blunder. Twitter fans seems to be divided though, with some finding the incident hilarious but others saying Mone is seeking attention by further embarrassing a man. What do you think, was this all just a publicity stunt for Mone? 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1WqREAP有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,