
Cindy’s First Language Exchange Experience

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     不爽美韓設薩德 中國官媒嗆增核武     歷來最接近 北韓飛彈墜海 僅距日領土200公里     被爆駭3C監控 CIA查洩密     機密可瞬間遭竊 CIA數位行動曝弱點     南韓總統 朴槿惠去留 今宣判     小女孩單挑大銅牛 挺華爾街女力     伊軍猛攻摩蘇爾 IS首腦傳棄城逃     「藍窗」塌垮落海 馬爾他總理心碎     川普當選後 在中國34個商標整批過關     Cindy’s First Language Excha

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Cindy’s First Language Exchange Experience語言交換初體驗



One day,北市200戶恐掉磁磚 將清查, Cindy saw an advertisement about language exchange on the Internet. Because Cindy was eager to learn English,Nothing Compares to You, she logged on to one of the language exchange websites that were listed in the ad. After signing up,林俊逸尊重小哥 模仿不開黃腔, she received a message from a Canadian guy who was attending college in Taiwan. The Canadian guy said he could help her learn English and asked if she was willing to meet up with him to practice. Cindy agreed to meet him in a cafe.線上收聽請按有一天,半導體法說 匯率衝擊受關注,辛蒂在網站上看到一則有關語言交換的廣告。由於辛蒂渴望學習英文,禮客內湖2館昨試營運,她便登錄其中一個列在廣告上的語言交換網站。辛蒂註冊後,她收到一位在台灣念大學的加拿大男子傳來的訊息。加拿大男子說他可以幫助她學習英文,他詢問辛蒂願不願意跟他碰面練習。辛蒂答應和他約在一家咖啡廳碰面。
生活必備字詞◎advertisement n.廣告◎log on to…  登錄...Log on to the library’s website whenever you need to do research.◎sign up  註冊.One of the reasons why people sign up to join sites like Facebook is that they want to meet new people.
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