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最怕極右勒朋極左梅隆松進第2輪 妻小坐領乾薪 費雍陷醜聞重創民調 勒朋同黨男友 沒打算當「第一先生」 戀上人妻老師 年輕馬克宏已是阿公 主要候選人反北約 俄恐乘虛而入 轟川普 600城巿科學家大遊行 卡爾文森號施壓北韓 偕日自衛隊軍演 陸首艘自製航母 料27日下水 Buying Flowers from Your Loc
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Buying Flowers from Your Local Florist花店買花
C: Customer F: FloristA customer walks into his local fl orists shop to buy some fl owers for his wife.F: Hi. Welcome to Floras Flowers. How can I help you?C: Hi,阿伯躺佔車位 網:無恥無極限, Im looking to get my wife a nice bouquet of fl owers for our anniversary.F: Oh,余祥銓歌喉獻愛 奔購物台業績見紅, I see. You cant go wrong with red roses.C: Thats a bit too… I dont know,情侶雙載撞卡車1死1傷 前妻:載的是小三, common,A4065 夫癱難顧6口 婦搬鋼筋扛家計, though.F: Well, youre in luck. There are plenty of other fl owers that represent love.線上收聽請按一位顧客到當地的花店去買些花送給他老婆。花 商: 嗨。歡迎來到弗洛拉的花店。我能如何為您效勞呢?顧 客: 嗨,我想在我和我老婆的結婚週年日上送她一束花。花 商: 噢,我了解了。選紅玫瑰一定不會錯。顧 客: 但是那有點太⋯⋯我不知道,普通。花 商: 嗯,您很幸運。還有好多其他的花代表愛情。
生活必備字詞●bouquet n. 花束●anniversary n. 週年紀念(日)My parents invited their friends to their 30th wedding anniversary.●go wrong (with sth) (某事)出差錯David hoped that nothing would go wrong with the project.
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