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【TOMO雙語爆】2020奧運開幕秀 日本將推人造流星雨
日本打算結合天文學和娛樂,反媒體壟斷法未列臨時會優先法案 反壟斷團體NCC前抗議,創造地球上前所未有的燈光秀,車禍腦栓塞 男大生救回一命,好讓2020年夏季奧運的觀眾大飽眼福。 為讓2020年奧運盛大揭幕,觀戰聖經 贈書活動,一間日本新創公司計劃發射一部衛星到太空,隔16年 南韓國會首見朝小野大,而它會載著上千顆,健身器材雲端化 在家跑遍全世界,每顆價值8,100美元的小球。 這種小球的直徑大約2公分,但它們的材質是商業機密。 該新創公司會從地球發射衛星,一旦衛星能穩定地繞行地球,它就會用某種特殊裝置,射出這些小球。 當小球進入地球的大氣層,它們會在離地40到50哩之處著火。 小球的外層有不同的化學製品,因此火焰也會有不同的顏色。 這場人工流星雨即使在東京的光害中也看得見,而且小球移動的速度會比真正的流星慢。 這場昂貴燈光秀的開發商希望他們的人工流星,能引發大眾對天文學的興趣,進而支持日本未來的天文計劃。 英文原文: Japan aims to bedazzle spectators at the 2020 Summer Olympics by combining astronomy and entertainment, creating a kind of light show that no one on Earth has ever seen. To kickstart the 2020 Olympics, a Japan-based startup plans to send a satellite carrying up to 1,000 pellets — each with a price tag of US $8,100 — into space. A single pellet measures a couple centimeters in diameter, but what they are made from is kept a secret. The startup will launch the satellite from Earth … and once the satellite has stabilized its orbit around the planet, it will then eject the pellets using a special device that has not been disclosed. Once the pellets enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they will catch fire when they are about 40 to 50 miles from the ground. The pellets are coated in different chemicals so that the flames can emit different colors. The meteor shower will be visible even in the presence of Tokyo’s light pollution, and the pellets will travel slower than natural shooting stars. The developer of this pricey light show hopes that their artificial shooting stars, by igniting public interest in astronomy, will support future astronomical projects in Japan. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1sWrV71有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,