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英議員遭槍殺 反脫歐料得利 國會菜鳥力抗不公 「相信世界會更好」 17大使 訪同志酒吧挺平權 槍手邊屠殺邊問「上新聞了嗎」 勞斯萊斯 推奢華自駕車 陸情報船闖沖繩 日批「超出限度」 聲援書商 泛民今再上街 父遭綁架 書商女批北京越底線 WHICH WAY IS UP?
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WHICH WAY IS UP?顛倒屋 顛倒世界
People walking up to a certain house in the Austrian village of Terfens immediately know something is wrong with it. This is because the house is built completely upside down. In the dining room,泫雅曬胸器開褲頭 粉絲聞香喊超辣, the tables are on the ceiling. In the garage,酒駕男 拘留所上吊亡, a Volkswagen looks like it could fall onto the fl oor. In the bathrooms,油條少年 警臨盤查滿嘴油話嗆警, even the toilets are upside down. This creative place for people to visit has been the inspiration for an exhibit in Taipei.線上收聽請按
人們走近奧地利特爾芬斯村裡的某間房子馬上就會察覺到有地方不對勁。這是因為那間房子蓋得完全上下顛倒。餐廳裡,詐騙被逮 老實兒自責刺腕,桌子在天花板上。車庫裡,伍茲現身撞斷牙 女友奪冠驚又喜,一輛福斯汽車看起來像是要掉到地板上了。廁所裡,首戰大勝23分 國泰今拼5連霸,甚至連馬桶也上下顛倒。這個供人們參觀且創意十足的地方正是台北一項展覽的靈感。
生活必備字詞immediately adv.立刻,法國麵包變花樣 酥軟都飄香,馬上Jim was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.upside down 上下顛倒We knew Johnny was pretending to read because he had his book upside down.
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