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北韓閱兵秀飛彈 56枚亮相嗆美 阻北韓核試 川普採「極限壓力」政策 台再遭美列匯率觀察名單 市場對台幣升值預期更高 北韓新飛彈 「恐直攻美本土」 炸彈之母轟IS 94死 傳數棟民宅遭炸毀 達美航空「趕客」 最高賠30萬 安倍邀萬人賞櫻 HIGH到蹲下拍照 駭客踢爆美國安局 監控中東金融機構 法大選 四強民調僅差3個百分點 THE WORLD TRADE CENTER
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The site of the deadlySeptember 11 attacks in New York City — the original World Trade Center — opened for business this month in 1973. Located in the fi nancial district of Lower Manhattan,李詩英 最強孕婦跑半馬, the World Trade Center was actually a collection of seven different buildings. However,年輕人22K真薪酸 經濟老兵蕭萬長:這是不正常的現象!, it was known to most people as the Twin Towers,于婕披道袍普渡 回鍋豔星等男友限時批, 1 World Trade Center and 2 World Trade Center. These skyscrapers were the tallest buildings in the world at the time they were fi nished. They ruled the New York skyline and became a symbol of American wealth and influence.線上收聽請按
紐約市致命的 911 攻擊事件遺址 ── 原本的世貿中心 ── 在 1973 年四月開始使用。位於曼哈頓下城金融區,猛男跌落消防車 忍痛打火才就醫,世貿中心實際上集結了七棟不同的大樓。然而,從世代剝奪感看公平正義的年金改革(林志翰),最為多數人所知道的是「世貿雙子星大樓」── 世貿一號大樓和世貿二號大樓。這些摩天大樓在完工當時是世上最高的大樓。它們支配了紐約天際線,輸了首戰又折兵 老鷹卡洛傷膝,並成為了美國財富以及權勢的象徵。
生活必備字詞(be) located in / on / at… 位於..locate vt. 坐落於(恆用被動)My offi ce is in the red building located at the end of the street.fi nancial a. 金融的,財政的skyscraper n. 摩天大樓infl uence n. 權勢;影響(人物)Wendy is a good infl uence on her children.
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