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讓步 朴槿惠 願任用國會推薦總理 日福岡道路驚塌陷 800戶大停電 22歲台灣正妹 夏威夷選美封后 大象團跪悼泰王 Everyone’s a Critic
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Everyone’s a Critic用垂涎欲滴的文字,【壹週刊】對應新法規 Honda Fit安全升級,擄獲你的味蕾──美食評論家
J: Jill W: WaiterJill is ordering at one of the most famous restaurants in Taipei.W:Ma’am,專櫃女鞋 下殺0.9折起, you have ordered so much food. Will some friends be joining you?J: No,鐘錶通/女人玩包,男人玩錶! 台灣頂級玩家愛獨立製錶, I’m having dinner alone.W:But you have ordered most of the dishes on the menu. Do you think it might be too much food?J: No, I don’t. And I do know what I’ve ordered, thank you.W:Very well.J: Oh, can you serve the first course as soon as possible, please? I’m getting very hungry.線上收聽請按吉兒正在台北最有名的其中一間餐廳點餐。
吉 兒:沒有,我自己一個人吃晚餐。
吉 兒:不,不會。而且我確實知道我點了什麼,謝謝。
吉 兒:對了,請問第一道餐點可以盡快端上嗎?我真的非常餓。
生活必備字詞◎menu n.菜單.Sue ordered two of the most expensive dishes on the menu.◎serve vt.供應(餐點);為..服務.The reason I go to that restaurant every day is that they serve their food so fast.
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