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【TOMO雙語爆】澳洲中國留學生命案 警方收押死者姨丈
25歲的冷夢梅,山東幼園巴士 燒死10南韓幼童,在5年前從中國搬到澳洲唸書,法律信箱:攝影師擅登婚宴照 恐侵犯肖像權,看似大好前程正要展開,31陸客遊台投保 理賠最多200萬元,但這一切卻被上週的兇殺案殘暴地奪走。 近期從雪梨科技大學畢業的冷夢梅,蘋果盤口 5月3日,今年4月21日失蹤。 她的朋友們最後看到她時,看問題/iPad mini之所以成功 是因為它夠昂貴?,她正在校園外等公車,新除皺療程 溫感控制 更精準,準備利用下午逛街購物。 警方在監視器畫面中,貝克漢毀容拼演技攻銀幕 招惡評「慘不忍睹」,發現冷夢梅走在畢特街(Pitt Street)上,也就是雪梨主要的購物商圈,時間是下午3點左右。 警方表示,她接著從聖詹姆士火車站(St. James Railway Station)月台,搭火車回家,目的地是坎普希站(Campsie)。 比對冷夢梅的通話記錄,警方可以確定,她直到當天深夜,都還在和朋友聊天。 但在她抵達坎普希站後,似乎就消失得無影無蹤。 4月24日上午10點半左右,警方獲報,在芒莫拉國家公園(Munmorah State Conservation Area)鯛魚角(Snapper Point)一處出水口,有一具赤裸的浮屍。 她的屍體頸部有多處刀傷,調查人員相信,她是在被發現前不到48小時內,被棄屍於此。 警方透過電腦模擬無名浮屍的面貌後,將模擬影像公諸於世。沒多久,當局就證實這名死者,確實是失蹤的冷夢梅。 根據最新研判,警方表示,她在死前很有可能被人刺了20刀,然後被載到100公里外的地方,最後才被棄屍到海中。 在4月29日,當局依謀殺罪嫌逮捕了冷夢梅的姨丈,27歲的Derek Barrett。冷夢梅生前和被告、她48歲的阿姨、以及表弟同住。 警方相信她是在家中遭到毒手,但嫌犯的動機目前還有待釐清。英文原文:After moving to Australia from China to study five years ago, 25-year-old Michelle Leng had her whole life ahead of her, until it was all viciously stolen in a brutal murder last week. A recent graduate of the University of Technology, Sydney, Leng went missing on April 21, 2016. Friends say they last saw her waiting for a bus outside the school’s campus, heading out for an afternoon of shopping. In CCTV footage, police managed to spot Leng walking on Pitt Street, a major shopping strip in Sydney. It was roughly 3 p.m. Police say she then boarded a train at St. James Railway Station platform, heading home to Campsie Station, her final stop. Police say based on her phone records, they know she was still communicating with friends until the late hours of the evening. But after she arrived at Campsie Station, she seemed to have vanished without a trace. At about 10:30 a.m. on April 24, police were alerted to reports of a naked body seen floating in the Snapper Point blowhole at the Munmorah State Conservation Area. Her body had multiple stab wounds to the neck, and investigators believe she was dumped there less than 48 hours before being discovered. A computer-generated image of the unidentified person’s face was released to the public by police, and shortly after authorities were able to confirm that the victim found in the water was that of the missing Michelle Leng. Based on their most recent findings police say she was most likely stabbed 20 times before she died. Her body was then driven 100 km away and disposed of in the ocean. On April 29, authorities arrested 27-year-old Derek Barrett, Leng's uncle through marriage, on charges of murder. Leng was staying at the home of the accused, her 48-year-old aunt, and her cousin at the time, and police believe it was there that she was attacked and killed. Potential motives for the suspect have yet to be reported at this time. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/24kw0Cy有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,