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【TOMO雙語爆】格陵蘭冰層加速融化 北極放大效應使然
2015年夏天,Kelly Talk:突被隋棠拋棄 溫昇豪扯出開山刀,格陵蘭冰層融化的速度,偉翔生技擬提告 經部:牛樟芝試驗樣本與市售的不同,達到史上最高。 研究發現,曾國城石膏裹臉 悶燒2小時變胖子,這場創紀錄的快速融冰現象,人體癌細胞中 發現四螺旋DNA結構!,與北極放大效應(Arctic amplification)有關。 北極放大效應是指,隨著海冰融化,北極氣溫與北半球其他地區相比,快速暖化。 該現象是一種惡性循環。全球氣溫上升,導致北極圈海冰融化,使海水顏色變暗,因而吸收更多太陽輻射,進而導致北極圈更暖化。 根據研究,格陵蘭北岸的冰蓋大規模融化,是由於大氣與海洋兩者因素結合。 北極放大效應的影響至今未明,但科學家相信,這會改變環繞北半球流動的噴射氣流。 噴射氣流存在於大氣上層,冷熱空氣交界處,是一股狹窄強勁的風。 以北極噴射氣流為例,極圈寒冷的空氣,會與南方溫暖的空氣分離。 若噴射氣流速度減緩,氣溫變化會更劇烈,且噴射氣流會遷移至更北方,造成切斷高壓(Cut-off high)。 切斷高壓會從低緯度地區,吸來暖空氣,導致更大規模的冰架融化。 研究發現,在格陵蘭最暖的夏季,噴射氣流來到了該季節史無前例的高緯度。 北極放大效應現被認為是格陵蘭冰蓋融化主因,它是繼南極洲冰蓋之後,全球第二大冰層。 格陵蘭冰蓋的體積相當巨大,若全部融化,全球海平面將可能升高七公尺,且造成全球海洋暖化。英文原文:During the summer of 2015, Greenland experienced its highest rate of glacier melt ever recorded.
Study shows the record-high melt is linked to the effects of a phenomenon known as Arctic amplification.
Arctic amplification refers to the faster warming of the Arctic compared to the rest of the Northern Hemisphere as sea ice disappears.
It is fueled by a feedback loop. Rising global temperatures are melting Arctic sea ice, leaving dark open water that absorbs more solar radiation, further warming the Arctic.
According to the study, the atmosphere and the oceans combined are contributing to the melting of vast ice sheets off the coast of northern Greenland.
The effects of Arctic amplification are unknown, but scientists believe it can change the Arctic jet stream flow, which circles the northern latitudes.
Jet streams are narrow bands of strong winds in the upper atmosphere that follow the boundaries of hot and cold air.
In the Arctic’s case, frigid polar air is separated from warmer air in the south.
A slowdown in the jet stream would cause wilder swings and allow it to bend farther north than usual, creating a high pressure system called a cut-off high.
The cut-off high draws in warm air from lower latitudes, leading to greater ice melt conditions.
The study found that during the warmest summer in Greenland, the jet stream reached latitudes never before recorded during that time of year.
The Arctic amplification is now cited as the cause for the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet, which is the earth’s second largest after Antarctica.
The ice sheet holds enough ice that if it were to melt entirely, it would raise the average global sea level by about seven meters, and lead to ocean warming world-wide.
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