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4月18日,【香港直擊片】總經理改當攝影師 兩張照片道出一人故事,美國加州17歲的Daniel McClelland跟媽媽說他想要戒菸,WBC/林哲瑄可望21日返台 投入中華隊集訓,而他效法很多癮君子的作法,什麼都靠人/醜小鴨變天鵝有錯嗎? 男人又愛又恨的…,買了電子菸代替。 當天下午5點40分Daniel的朋友來家裡接他,要載他去逛街。 這群青少年在車上放音樂、唱歌,Daniel就很自然地拿出他的電子菸。 過了幾秒,Daniel的朋友聽到了一聲像槍聲的巨響,轉頭一看,發現著火了。 他們連忙下車,Daniel受了重傷,在街上沒命地奔跑。 他的嘴巴滴著血,跑回家裡。他不但被炸掉了幾顆下排牙齒,連舌頭都被炸穿了一個洞! 他母親叫了救護車,緊急將他送到燒燙傷部診治。Daniel目前仍在醫院養傷。 電子菸爆炸事件在美國各地頻傳,專家認為,罪魁禍首是裝置內過熱的鋰離子電池。 所以啦,癮君子們,也許最好一鼓作氣,戒掉所有菸品吧!因為不管哪種菸,都證明會對你造成嚴重傷害。 英文原文: On April 18, 17-year-old Daniel McClelland told his mother he was going to quit smoking cigarettes by using an e-cigarette he’d recently picked up, a common transition for many smokers these days. Around 5:40 that evening, McClelland was picked up by a few friends at his home, heading out to the store. The teenagers were jamming out in the car as they drove through the neighbourhood, so naturally Daniel broke out his vape. Seconds later, McClelland’s friend Jesus Matias said he heard what sounded like a gunshot, and turned to see flames. The teens all got out of the car, and that’s when Matias saw his friend running down the street, badly injured. Bleeding from the mouth, McClelland ran all the way home. Not only did he lose a number of his bottom teeth, but his tongue had a hole blown through it. His mother called paramedics, who rushed him to a burn unit for emergency treatment. Daniel McClelland remains in hospital, recovering from his injuries. Reports of e-cigarettes exploding have been popping up around the country, and experts have been placing the blame on the lithium ion batteries overheating inside the devices. So smokers, it seems like your best bet may be just to quit cigarettes altogether, because both methods have proven to be able to mess you up pretty bad. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1SLQ2gQ有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,