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【TOMO雙語爆】受虐嬰兒難自辯 保姆鑽法律漏洞
一名保姆遭控傷害一名1歲嬰兒,電腦展 蘋果舊機型狂降,但他可能會無罪開釋,周思齊明看台韓戰 1個月前就買好,因為受害者不會說話。在奧勒岡州,傳嫁入中信金? 台壽保:目前尚無明確合作或整併對象,若你無法說明傷痛,陸瘋傳逛街親密照 李凈瑜斥:邪惡之邦,虐待顯然就不成立。 由於法律無法或不願幫忙,【誇張片】鋼管的好 這些貓咪都知道,受害嬰兒憤怒的父母,穿著邋遢被叨念 怒看父下車 冷血逆子高速輾死父,已經上社群媒體為兒子討公道。 今年3月份,專櫃內衣 採購4.3折起,Joshua Marbury和Alicia Quinney短暫出門約會,並將兒子留給一名共同的朋友照顧。 他們當晚回到家時,只見嬰兒不斷哭叫,保姆卻在沙發上睡覺。Quinney馬上安撫兒子,但沒有注意到異狀。 隔天早上,嬰兒的黑眼圈和臉部及身上多處的淤青,讓她大吃一驚。 Jacob立即被送到醫院,醫師指出他身上有掌印,並表示1歲的他差點小命不保。 這對父母質問保姆,他說自己不小心將嬰兒掉到地上,最後才坦承打了嬰兒巴掌。 有了保姆的自白,這對父母希望警方能將他定罪,但警方表示Jacob不會說話、無法說明自己遭到虐待,因此駁回他們的要求。 根據奧勒岡州法律,傷痕、淤青和淺度割傷不算是人身傷害。受害者必須受到極大痛苦,虐待才會成立。但嬰幼兒或殘障人士很難證明這一點。 現在唯一的希望,就是奧勒岡最高法院能修法,為此,Jacob的父母正在爭取各界支持。 英文原文: A babysitter accused of assaulting a 1-year-old might escape conviction because his victim can’t talk yet. Apparently, in Oregon, abuse doesn’t count if you can’t articulate your pain. With the law unable or unwilling to help, the indignant parents of the child have taken to social media to seek justice for their son. Back in March, Joshua Marbury and Alicia Quinney went on a short date, leaving their son Jacob in the hands of a family friend. Later that night, they came home to a screaming baby and a sitter snoozing on the couch. Quinney consoled her son, but didn’t notice anything else. The next morning, she was shocked to discover the baby had a black eye and several bruises on his face and body. Jacob was rushed to the hospital, where doctors pointed out handprints and said the 1-year-old could have been killed. The couple confronted the babysitter, who said he accidentally dropped the child before finally admitting to striking him across the face. Armed with a confession, the couple turned to the cops, hoping for a conviction. They were denied on the grounds that Jacob can’t actually speak, so he can’t say he was abused. Oregon law states that welts, bruises, and shallow cuts don’t count as physical injury. Victims must suffer substantial pain for it to count as abuse, which is difficult to prove for the very young or impaired. The only hope now is for the Oregon Supreme Court to change the law, something Jacob’s parents are aiming to achieve with enough support. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1TGZYq6有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,