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地表最長 57公里鐵路隧道通了 【專題】哥達基線隧道與青函隧道比一比 【專題】哥達基線隧道發生意外怎麼辦 俊男美女裸膚起舞 全為了這條隧道啟用 穿越阿爾卑斯山 世界最長隧道這樣造 愛馬仕鴕鳥包 挨批虐宰 創紀錄 27國將參加環太軍演 核試後 北韓特使首會習近平 川普嗆:當選後不饒媒體 泰「老虎廟」搜出40具幼虎屍 妒男當街縱火燒死女友 路人漠然 合成犬有心跳 訓練獸醫手術 熱門泳區出現綁石塊女浮屍 嚇壞大小泳客 斷臂13年不棄 衝浪美女擊敗世界冠軍 被打臉!川普捐560萬美金討好 退伍軍人還來示威 消費稅恐破9%大關 市府首要解決遊民警隊問題 王又曾遺體5日沒人領 法醫:不是老婆拖出車外 抓鬼專家墳場探險 卻遇到在墓碑上拍A片的 為爭一口氣!2鳥嘴對嘴僵持數小時 死不鬆口 豪華郵輪入港 船頭居然卡著鯨屍 大白鯊來襲 澳洲衝浪客右腿被咬掉 窮媽富媽待遇大不同?台裔網紅實驗惹議 買甜甜圈先考英文發音?華裔媽疑遭歧視 南韓地鐵工地爆炸坍塌 4死10傷 背羊毛爬坡賽跑 他們這樣過假日 自己的節日自己演 北韓慶祝兒童節 【世界一瞬間】貓咪不請自來 哇!好大一隻 曾被笑額頭高 正妹現要角逐英國小姐 白目女罔顧規定 近距離拍馬鹿被頂上天 德州淹大水 旱鴨子狗狗望洋興嘆 貴族高中學生 請脫衣舞男到校狂歡 【有片】輪胎爆炸 工人被炸到空中轉一圈 【心酸】想給女兒吃好點 窮媽偷雞腿遭逮 【TOMO雙語爆】小象摔落水溝 斯國官民溫馨救援 【TOMO雙語爆】世界最大「飛天屁屁」將正式啟航 【TOMO雙語爆】海怪現身?巨烏賊可能比校車還長 【TOMO雙語爆】頑童擅闖害大猩猩遭斃 現場還原 【TOMO雙語爆】澳洲女慘遭鱷吻 恐喪命 IT’S CHOW TIME
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【TOMO雙語爆】頑童擅闖害大猩猩遭斃 現場還原
上週六,最短命閣揆 意外闖出高人氣,一名幼童掉入辛辛那提動物園大猩猩園區,江少慶60球投6局 本季初登板奪勝,導致銀背大猩猩哈拉比(Harambe)被槍斃,柯家兄弟孝順 上繳付房貸,引發許多民眾不滿。 有人宣稱哈拉比似乎是在保護該幼童,不應該被殺害。 但園方依然認為,管理人員做了正確的決定,因為這攸關該幼童的生死。 哈拉比是17歲、四百磅重的銀背大猩猩。5月28日,一名幼童掉入牠在辛辛那提動物園的圍欄,因而遭到槍殺。 目擊者表示,曾經聽到該幼童問媽媽,能否下去跟大猩猩一起游泳,而媽媽說不行。 但這名4歲的幼童還是爬過三呎高的圍欄、越過四呎寬的樹叢,然後掉到大猩猩的獸欄裡。 他直直下墜15呎,落入大約一呎深、有水的壕溝中。 當時獸欄裡有三隻大猩猩,但管理人員成功將其中兩隻支開。 旁觀者拍下的影片顯示,留在現場的大猩猩哈拉比,有時似乎想保護該幼童,但有時又將他猛烈地拖過水中。 辛辛那提動物園與植物園的執行長表示,用麻醉槍射大猩猩只會讓情況更糟,因為它生效的速度不夠快,可能還會進一步惹惱大猩猩。 據報,管理人員射殺大猩猩時,該幼童就坐在牠的雙腿之間。 為了紀念哈拉比,民眾紛紛在動物園的「大猩猩世界」展區外,對大猩猩母子的銅像獻花。 有人認為該幼童的父母對孩子的管教失當,應該受到懲罰。 但園方表示,他們並不打算提出告訴。 英文原文: Here’s how things unfolded when a child fell into the gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo. There is much public outcry after Harambe, a silverback gorilla, was shot and killed after a child fell into the gorilla exhibit the Cincinnati Zoo on Saturday. Some claim the gorilla appeared to be protecting the toddler and should not have been killed. However, the zoo maintains that authorities made the right decision, as it was a matter of life and death for the child. Harambe was a 17-year-old 400-pound silverback gorilla that was shot dead when a child fell into its enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo on May 28. Witnesses say they heard the child ask if he could go in to swim with the gorillas, and that his mother had said no. However, the 4-year-old managed to get past a 3-foot-tall railing and bushes that were roughly 4 feet wide before falling into the animal enclosure. The child fell a distance of 15 feet into the moat below that was filled with water that was about a foot deep. Three gorillas were in the enclosure at the time, but zookeepers managed to call two of them inside. Video captured by bystanders at the zoo show Harambe, the remaining gorilla, seeming to protect the child at times, while at other times aggressively dragging the toddler through the water. The executive director of the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens says using a tranquilizer dart on the animal would have made the situation worse, as it would not have taken effect quickly enough and may have agitated the gorilla more. Reports say the child was sitting between the gorilla’s legs when officials fatally shot the animal. In memory of Harambe, people have been leaving flowers around a bronze statue of a gorilla and her baby outside the Cincinnati Zoo's GorillaWorld exhibit. Some claim it the child’s parents should be punished for failing to keep a closer watch on their child. However, the zoo says it does not plan to press charges. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1UsXG0b有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,