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中警告南韓勿設薩德「恐對撞」 馬英九華府談台獨「台灣不會這樣做」 金正男兒:我爸被殺了 蘋論:台灣能不要薩德嗎? 失蹤3年 馬航MH370家屬告波音 IS假扮醫生掃射阿富汗軍醫院 38死 法動物園白犀牛遭盜殺鋸角 小學生訪白宮 川普親迎送驚喜 Stand Up Paddleboarding
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Stand Up Paddleboarding衝浪 X 划槳,人造珠寶大師殞落 KJL享壽85歲,碧海任遨遊–立式單槳衝浪
Much like regular surfing,深喉嚨反害己 斯提賓諾娃失格, stand up paddleboarding involves riding across the water while standing up on a surfboard. Rather than lying on the board and swimming out to the waves,國道5號疏運 端午推專車遊宜蘭, stand up paddleboarders hold a long paddle in their hands to move through the water.Stand up paddleboarding has been around since the 16th century,【萌寵精選】汪汪的這些反應 實在笑死人, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that it really caught on and began to grow. Nowadays, it is one of the fastest growing outdoor sports in America.線上收聽請按如同一般的衝浪,立式單槳衝浪是站在一個衝浪板上於水面滑行。立式單槳衝浪不是以橫臥在衝浪板上來乘風破浪,而是衝浪者手上拿著一根長長的槳在水上滑行。立式單槳衝浪從十六世紀就出現了,但直到六○年代它才流行起來並開始成長。今日,它是美國發展最快的戶外運動之一。
生活必備字詞◎involve vt.包含.The story Andy wrote involved several of his experiences during the war.◎paddle n.槳 & vi.用槳划(小船).Paddles are used to control the movement and direction of a canoe.◎catch on 流行
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