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北京不挺 梁振英突放棄連任港特首 才稱想改善關係 川普又轟中國 全球首見 琥珀藏恐龍尾巴 美太空傳奇英雄 享壽95歲 俄軍校舞會 重現沙皇傳統 ALFRED NOBEL
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ALFRED NOBEL站在巨人的肩膀上--舉世聞名的諾貝爾
Famous Swedish businessman,EXID靜花撲美賣唱 老外嘲弄菜英文, engineer,網購男性髮品增3成 醫:無增髮效果, and inventor,張淳淳上億地產消風 救命泡菜抵10萬房租, Alfred Nobel died this month in 1896. Alfred Nobel created hundreds of inventions during his lifetime, the most famous of which was dynamite. Originally for mining, dynamite was soon adopted by railroad and building companies. The railroad industry used it to quickly and safely dig their way through mountains. This opened the way for faster trade and travel all over the world. However, militaries around the world soon realized that the power of dynamite could also be used to make deadly weapons on the battlefield.線上收聽請按著名的瑞典商人、工程師和發明家 ── 阿爾弗雷德•諾貝爾在 1896 年的十二月去世。阿爾弗雷德•諾貝爾在他的一生中創造了數百個發明,其中最有名的是炸藥。炸藥一開始是為了採礦,不久後炸藥就被鐵路和建築公司採用。鐵路公司用炸藥來快速且安全地挖通貫穿山脈的路。這為全世界的貿易業和旅遊業開闢了一條更快的道路。然而,世界各地的軍隊很快便了解到炸藥的威力也可以被用來製作戰場上的致命武器。
生活必備字詞●dynamite n. 炸藥(不可數)●adopt vt. 採取,採用Jeff was pleased when the boss decided to adopt his idea.●open the way for / to… 為⋯⋯開闢途徑Alans marketing degree opened the way to many interesting job opportunities.●deadly a. 致命的
線上收聽請按有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,