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蓮舫勝選 掌日本最大在野黨 「阿舅」陳唐山:親戚都感光榮 希拉蕊陣營秀病歷「堪任總統」 陸國企持股1/3 英核電廠獲准開工 中國發射太空實驗室 敢死隊出面指證 杜特蒂殺人像殺雞 峇里島快艇爆炸 1死約20傷 女孩頭痛癱瘓 開腦取12公分囊腫 烏坎警暴力逮港記者 逼簽不採訪保證書 Twist,來函照登(吳秉叡),Lick,設計大師告已故科技大師獲和解 賈伯斯超級遊艇「獲釋」,and Dunk
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Twist,裕隆跨營建 擬成立裕隆建設,Lick,馬談九二共識中央社漏「一中」,and Dunk轉一轉,舔一舔,再泡一泡
The Oreo cookie is black and white and can be eaten in one bite. It consists of a sweet, cream filling that is placed between two crispy chocolate cookies. This classic snack has not changed much since it was first introduced to the world in 1912. The name, Oreo, is a bit of a mystery. Some claim it comes from foreign words meaning gold, mountain, and nice. Others believe it is related to the cookie-cream-cookie combination. Whatever the reason, the name works, and the Oreo lives on.線上收聽請按OREO餅乾外觀黑白相間,而且一口就可以把它吃掉。它由兩塊鬆脆的巧克力餅乾所組成,中間夾著一層甜甜的奶油內餡。這款經典的甜點自1912年問世以來並沒有太大的改變。OREO名稱的由來則是一個謎。有些人說它是源自於意指「黃金」、「山丘」和「美好的」的外來字。其他說法則認為其名字與兩片餅乾夾著奶油的組合構造有關。不論是哪種原因,這個名稱都深植人心,而OREO餅乾也持續熱賣。
生活必備字詞filling n.內餡,餡料crispy a.(食物)酥脆的combination n.組合,混合live on 繼續存在Although the great artist passed away, his artwork still lives on and is loved around the world.
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