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【TOMO雙語爆】寵物店老闆偷錢召妓 付「嬰猴」當小費
奧勒岡州尤金市(Eugene)一名寵物店老闆召妓,麵包學徒的夢想 揉出一間自己的店,還從自家店裡,全家衝刺冬裝 拼賣2億,偷了一隻珍稀動物,一口整潔白牙 讓妳美麗無死角,給妓女當「小費」,婚禮終結者! 新人串通摔角手搞笑,因而被捕。 Nate McClain的寵物店,彭文正:當主持是產學合作,很貼切地命名為「怪奇動物園」(Zany Zoo)。而他被控召妓。 但光是這樣,沒錢退休 83%民眾最怕,不足以描述這個我們聽過最瘋狂的故事。 一切都要從3月說起,「怪奇動物園」發生了兩起竊案,中間相隔5天。 警方調出隔壁商店的監視錄影畫面,發現McClain闖入自己的店裡。 他從店內偷了要捐助給女童軍的善款7,000美元、和一台筆電、還有一隻名叫Gooey的嬰猴。 嬰猴是種小小的、毛絨絨的動物,眼睛又大又圓。Gooey約值2,500美元。 警方在城外一名妓女家裡,找到Gooey,她說這是McClain送給她的。 她說McClain把寵物店的錢,拿來支付性交易,還把那隻嬰猴當作小費送給她。 你可能會覺得奇怪,是什麼讓這男人做出這麼離奇的事? 冰毒(crystal meth)可能是一種解釋。 McClain曾在藥物影響下駕車,被警方攔檢。警方看到他從一間A片店走出來,看起來像是吸了冰毒。 過了兩天,他又被訊問,而警方認為,他看起來還是很「嗨」。 Gooey是找到了,但被偷的現金下落不明。 警方表示,證據不足,無法起訴McClain偷竊。 但McClain的太太在臉書上寫道,她才是寵物店主,而她丈夫已不再跟寵物店有任何關係。 英文原文: An Oregon pet store owner was arrested after tipping a prostitute with an exotic animal allegedly stolen from his own shop. Nate McClain, owner of the aptly named Zany Zoo in Eugene, is charged with soliciting a prostitute. But that fact doesn’t do justice to perhaps one of the craziest stories we’ve ever heard. It all began in March when two burglaries were reported five days apart at the Zany Zoo. Police said surveillance footage from neighboring businesses revealed that McClain broke into his own store. Some $7,000 in Girl Scouts donation money allegedly went missing, along with a laptop and a Galago primate named Gooey. The Galago is a small, furry, creature with wide eyes, also known as a bush baby. Gooey is valued at $2,500. Police recovered Gooey from an out-of-town prostitute, who said she got the animal from McClain. The woman said McClain paid her for sex with funds from the pet store and gave the bush baby to her as a tip. Now, you’re probably wondering what could motivate someone to act as bizarrely as McClain. Well here’s one possible explanation: crystal meth. McClain was picked up on a DUI charge when officers saw him leaving a porn shop seemingly under the influence of meth. He was interviewed again two days later, when officers noted once more that he appeared to be high. Unlike Gooey, the missing money has still not been recovered. Police said there was not enough evidence to lay charges against McClain for the alleged theft. Writing on Facebook, McClain’s wife said she was the owner of Zany Zoo and her husband was no longer associated with the business. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1T666Ha有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,