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2天13爆 泰國緝兇 影射反對陣營涉案 阿富汗IS首腦 遭美無人機炸死 希拉蕊公布稅單 嗆川普隱藏 美呆了! 60萬朵花鋪5百坪花毯 她殺家暴夫獲特赦 法院拒釋惹眾怒 停電的高鐵有多熱?看看他們 英《每日郵報》與中共官媒 互供新聞 A Step Forward for New Moms
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A Step Forward for New Moms立院三讀通過:百人以上企業應設哺乳室
In April,樂天購物網點數 可與超商互通, a new law was passed in Taipei that may help new mothers breastfeed their babies during work hours. The law requires that businesses with more than 100 people provide a baby-friendly room for moms to feed their babies. In addition to a place to feed their babies,被爆假紅酒 「潘朵拉」願送驗, companies are also required to give mothers time to feed their children if the children are under two years old.線上收聽請按
中譯四月時,板橋新開文青小店 草莓甜點上市,一項在台北通過的新法案可能可以幫助新手媽媽在上班時間餵哺她們的嬰兒。這項法案要求一百人以上的企業提供媽媽們一間哺乳室來餵她們的嬰兒。除了餵哺嬰兒的地方之外,偷點挨轟動肝火 殷仔失控3局退場,如果小孩低於兩歲,人行海外首度 倫敦發50億民幣央票,公司也被要求要給媽媽餵哺小孩的時間。
生活必備字詞require vt. 要求Car insurance is required by law in our country.provide vt. 提供The restaurant provides parking service for customers.
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