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美調查作弊 外籍生是本國5倍 攜125公斤炸藥 法男圖攻歐洲盃 獲救日童堅信:有人會救我 陸製航母 明年可望下水 性侵又酒駕 沖繩美軍被禁酒 豬腦可能變人腦 美實驗「人豬胚胎」 美國小姐 首見軍官奪后 6千人拍裸照 紀念哥國和平 曾拍處女喪失AV 英文才女遭高盛證券退貨 【世界一瞬間】廣西百色梯田 蜜蜂出現拳王紀念地 粉絲:阿里顯靈 兇猛雄獅撲向小童 驚險一瞬間 辣到客人受不了! 泰國小吃店老闆娘爆紅 海洋垃圾變藝術 別因貪買成殺手 比船還大的鯊魚!攻擊女潛水客致死 睡人妻老闆得工作 他拒再上床被解雇 斯里蘭卡首都軍方火藥庫爆炸 1死50傷 暴風雨重創澳洲 2死 砍何韻詩演出 港人斥蘭蔻媚中 港豪宅再創天價1坪3372萬元 變態裸男如喪屍 撲倒陌生女死抱不放 陸生來台遭限 網友怎麼說 10秒就沉!游船遇怪風浪翻覆 1死14失蹤 大貨車違停高速公路 司機夫妻竟路邊炒飯 【驚悚瞬間】手機充電電死18歲男 【TOMO雙語爆】大象被盜獵者傷 跛足向遊客求助 【TOMO雙語爆】現代奴隸仍有數千萬 亞太占六成 【TOMO雙語爆】電鋸毀容竟自行就醫 澳洲爺爺太狂啦 Mermaids:the Ladies in the W
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【TOMO雙語爆】大象被盜獵者傷 跛足向遊客求助
辛巴威的布米山草原小屋(Bumi Hills Safari Lodge)遊客,小農的進擊:以合作代替競爭,最近遇上了一個驚喜。 他們不用出外探尋大象,EXID靜花撲美賣唱 老外嘲弄菜英文,倒有一頭大象,建仔11球 3上3下 飆150公里 連4戰無失分,直接上門來求助。 一天,夜宿海底隧道「如幻境」,公象阿班(Ben)在外遊晃,狂漢連砸18台車 報案人塞爆派出所,卻被盜獵者的子彈射傷,雨中爺孫找到了 住陋屋吃剩菜,在非洲,很不幸地,這是常有的情況。 你可能會以為,阿班從此就無法信任人類,但相反地,他卻一跛一跛地走向布米山草原小屋,向那邊的人求助。 當時,駐診獸醫週末放假,因此他們叫來了另一位獸醫。 布米山基金會(Bumi Hills Foundation)表示,阿班在等待獸醫從200英哩遠處飛來的6小時之間,很有耐性地喝水、吃草。 獸醫為阿班打鎮靜劑後,發現牠肩部有道很深的傷口,可能是盜獵者的子彈射中的。 更可怕的是他們發現,阿班的耳朵上,居然還有兩個彈孔,代表牠這輩子至少逃過另外兩次死劫。 阿班接受治療後,已被放生,但牠身上加裝了追蹤器,以查看其恢復情況。 雖然阿班已大致復原,但可能還需要進一步治療。 布米山基金會正向大眾募款,以支付阿班已接受的醫療費用,以及未來可能需要的診治、追蹤費用。 如果你有興趣想幫助阿班,請上布米山基金會網站(bumihillsfoundation.com)了解詳情。 英文原文: The Bumi Hills Safari Lodge in Zimbabwe got an unexpected surprise recently. Instead of having to go out to find an elephant, those at the lodge received an elephant guest instead. Ben, the bull elephant, was just minding his own business one day, when, in a sadly common occurrence in Africa, he was struck by a poacher’s bullet. You’d think this would’ve given Ben trust issues when it comes to people, but no. Instead, he limped to the Bumi Hills Safari Lodge and sought help from the people there. As the in-house vet was gone for the weekend, another was called. According to the Bumi Hills Foundation, Ben patiently drank water and grazed while waiting the six hours for the doctor to fly 200 miles to reach him. After Ben was tranquilized, experts discovered a deep wound in his shoulder, most likely the result of a poacher’s bullet. And to their horror, they also found two more bullet holes in one of Ben’s ears, which suggests he’s survived at least two attempts on his life. After he was treated, Ben was released into the wild again, but with the added accessory of a tracking device so that his progress can be monitored. Although Ben has recovered, he may need additional treatment. The Bumi Hills Foundation is appealing to the public for donations to cover the cost of the care he has already received, any treatment he might in need the future and the expense of tracking him. If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can help, go to bumihillsfoundation.com. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/24saOW4有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,