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發明比特幣 澳資安專家認了 記者臥底半年 揭聖戰士秘辛 歐巴馬長女上哈佛 要先休學1年 殺菌劑奪韓103命 英商道歉被毆 動保團體抗議 馬戲團百年大象秀落幕 登山界傳奇遭埋16年 遺體尋獲 燕麥疑含致癌除草劑 桂格挨告 【超Q】萌娃想離家出走 要把拔幫她叫車去非洲 同工不同酬 連猴子都會抗議 珊瑚白化危機 泰國打算關閉40座島 超羞辱選美烏龍 摔后冠又搞錯冠軍 【TOMO雙語爆】阿勒坡無國界醫院遭空襲61死 【TOMO雙語爆】Tinder變為多P神器?新功能惹議 【TOMO雙語爆】安全帶突然鬆開 雲霄飛車險害命 【TOMO雙語爆】物化女性 啦啦隊甄選廣告遭裁撤 【TOMO雙語爆】動物裝男子疑似炸彈客 被警槍擊 【TOMO雙語爆】感覺一來就要上!情侶車震遭活逮 STOP TRASHING THE OCEANS!
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俄亥俄州一對情侶 ,保羅輪休換哈登開火 飆36分打趴尼克,週日因為在其休旅車裡酒醉又裸體而被逮捕。但男方對他們一絲不掛,【壹週刊】不與雞排妹同台 王思佳香港宣傳遭除名,有非常充分的理由。 Glenn Mcie和女友Shannon Mulcahy,前瞻軌道建設 6成人喊緩,週末在運動酒吧飲酒作樂到店家打烊,經濟成長率終止9降風 主計總處:最壞的情況已經過去了,然後另找地點續攤。 他們將越野休旅車開到附近停車場,湯普森半年苦幹 科勒再傳有種,把車停在殘障人士停車位,隨手食物剪 幼兒銀髮牙套族不挑食,沒熄火也沒關燈。 接著他們開始脫衣車震,直到…直到兩人雙雙睡死。 當北羅亞爾頓(North Royalton)的員警,在凌晨2點15分叫醒他們, Mcie告訴警方:「感覺一來,你就是得找地方停車」。 他因為酒駕而遭到逮捕。被押上警車以後,他開始用頭撞巡邏車的車窗。 女方因為拒絕出示身份證或向警方報上姓名,而被逮捕,她也在警車裡用頭撞車窗。 男方本週已出庭,女方則預計會在5月12日出庭。 英文原文: A buckeye couple found in the buff and drunk in their SUV were arrested on Sunday. But the boyfriend had a totally valid excuse for them being in their birthday suits. Glenn Mcie and his girlfriend Shannon Mulcahy were drinking at a sports bar over the weekend until last call, when they were forced to relocate. The couple then drove their Grand Cherokee to a nearby parking lot and decided to park in the handicap space with the car running and the lights still on. The two stripped and started to get it on … that’s is until they both passed out. When North Royalton cops found the vehicle at 2:15 a.m. and woke the couple up, Mcie told the officers, “When the mood hits you have to find a place to park.” He was arrested for drunk driving. After being forced into the police car, he started banging his head against the patrol car window. After Mulcahy refused to show ID or give her name to po po, she was also arrested. She also decided to bang her head against the window while sitting in the squad car. Mcie appeared in court this week, while Mulcahy is scheduled for an appearance on May 12. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1Y0Ts0k有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,