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威斯康辛州(Wisconsin )一所學校的14歲學生,The Middle Island Project,在這一刻學到,【救援片】恐懼放一邊! 先救了這隻大鱷魚再說,在某些情況中,8月外匯存底4093億美元創新高 世界排第四 仍輸中日俄,力量就是公理。 這段影片是在週三上午,阿信豪擁10億身家 台灣第一團唱日本武道館,密爾瓦基(Milwaukee)的灣景高中(Bay View High School)所拍攝。 影片中這名男孩,BVLGARI飄新香 藍茶漾清新,在和不具名的助教發生爭執時,討了皮肉痛。 據稱,這位同學和該名39歲的助教起爭執,已經有一段時間。 這起事件的影片在社群網站上瘋傳,但並沒有拍到爆發肢體衝突的原因。 可以肯定的是,該名學生走向助教,問他「怎樣」,並踢了他的腳。 接著他就被推到地上,並且被掐到眼前發黑。 學生們表示,這個男孩在事發前,就對助教很不禮貌。 他後來因為輕傷,被送到醫院接受治療。 這名助教尚未遭到起訴,因此警方沒有公佈其姓名。 英文原文: Disrespectful kid gets chokeslammed. This is the moment a 14-year-old student at a Wisconsin school learned that in some situations, might is always right. The footage was filmed at the Bay View High School in Milwaukee on Wednesday morning. It shows the unnamed boy learning things the hard way, in an altercation with an unidentified teaching assistant. Students told media their classmate and the 39-year-old teaching assistant had been arguing for some time. Video footage of the incident has gone viral on social media but does not show what led to things getting physical. What is clear, is that the student walked up to the teacher, asked him what was up and kicked his feet. Before getting pushed to the ground and having the living daylights choked out of him. Students said the boy was being disrespectful to the teaching assistant prior to the incident. The boy was later taken to the hospital and treated for minor injuries. Police have not released the teaching assistant’s name because he has not yet been charged. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1SrRum5有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,