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【TOMO雙語爆】動物裝男子疑似炸彈客 被警槍擊
上星期四,BV秋冬方包 怎麼背都型,一名穿著動物裝,EDOX北極潛水錶 戰勝冰封世界,疑似挾帶炸彈的男子,沒天良的母親拋棄幼子,與警方對峙而遭槍擊。 這名25歲男子在巴爾的摩(Baltimore)一家電視台,司馬觀點:馬英九施施從外來(江春男),先是躲在大廳,後來在停車場遭槍擊。 該男子要求電視台播出一些關於太空的資訊,他說這跟「巴拿馬密件」一樣重要。 巴爾的摩警方表示,星期四下午,在福克斯45頻道電視台(Fox 45 studio)前,有一輛車遭縱火。 警衛表示,一個穿著動物裝的男子,走進電視台大廳,並交給他一個隨身碟。 這名男子穿的似乎是刺蝟連身衣,他對警衛說,他有重要資訊,要電視台播出。 這名男子身上疑似挾帶炸彈。但後來發現,他穿的其實是救生衣,上有一面主機板,接上錫箔紙包著的零食棒。 警衛打911報警,而該男子與警方對峙了2個小時後,才離開電視台大廳。 他因拒絕把手拿出口袋,被警方狙擊手擊中3、4槍。 男子的身分,經父親指認,是馬里蘭州埃爾克里奇(Elkridge)的Alex Brizzi。 他父親說Alex最近心情混亂,而其行動跟政治無關。 Alex尚未被起訴,而他送醫後,情況穩定,沒有生命危險。 英文原文: A man dressed in an animal costume and wearing what police believed to be a bomb was shot by cops following a standoff on Thursday. The 25-year-old man was shot in the parking lot of a Baltimore TV station after barricading himself in the lobby. The man had tried to get the station to air some information about space, which he said was as important as the Panama Papers. Baltimore police said a car was set on fire in the lobby of the Fox 45 studio in the city on Thursday afternoon. A security guard said a man wearing an animal outfit entered the lobby and handed him a flash drive. The man was wearing what appeared to be a hedgehog jumpsuit. He told the guard he had important information he wanted to air on TV. The man was wearing what appeared to be a bomb. It was later found to be a flotation device, rigged with foil-wrapped candy bars and a small motherboard. The guard called 911 and the man left the TV station’s lobby after a two-hour standoff. He was shot three or four times by police snipers after refusing to take his hands out of his pockets. The man was identified by his father as Alex Brizzi from Elkridge, Maryland. Ed Brizzi said his son had been troubled recently and his actions were not politically motivated. Alex Brizzi has not been charged and was in a stable condition in the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1SWYahz有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,