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川普豔妻又掀波 爆非法打工拍裸照 慶歐巴馬55歲 拜登秀麻吉手環 盈拉出庭 籲公投拒新憲 扯!DHL貨機衝上公路 里約遇劫 「俄外交官」柔術奪槍轟匪 港產黑幫「蝦仔」被判囚2900年 大抓捕審第4人 陸商判3年 挺港獨被禁選議員 2千人聲援 Woman Helps Nigerian Childre
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Woman Helps Nigerian Children Left on the Streets「希望」會更好 拯救奈及利亞巫童
Anja Ringgren Loven was walking along a street in Nigeria when she found a two-year-old boy by the side of the road. She saw that the boy was naked,掉7分沒殺1人 藍鳥菜投哭哭, very skinny,Selina簽字離婚零贍養費 單身Day2飛成都加減賺, and so weak that he was close to death. Loven gave him water,華碩買關渡萬坪地 成好市多房東, wrapped him in a blanket,兩性養生/越愛越會裝高潮?盤點性愛生活的12個新發現, and took him to the hospital. The boy, whom she named Hope, had been left for dead by his parents because they thought he was a witch. Before Loven found him, Hope lived on pieces of food that he found in the garbage for eight months.線上收聽請按
生活必備字詞naked a. 赤裸的Eva couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a man running naked down the street.wrap vt. 包,裹住Ian wrapped the broken vase in newspaper.blanket n. 毯子Bill covered his daughter with a blanket as she rested on the sofa.
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