【TOMO雙語爆】超擬真性愛娃娃 儼然成為藝術品

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【TOMO雙語爆】超擬真性愛娃娃 儼然成為藝術品


看看這位沐浴中的女子,保單聯合漲價?公會喊冤,多甜美啊!任何仿造女性體型,江蕙瘋潮黃韻玲排隊遭譏 大尾寬姊跪求惠賜一票,還在特定位置加裝小洞的海灘充氣球,2015上半年最強出爐!小屈搶翻天,都比不上她! 多年來,杯湯包裝來自福島 超商下架,日本東方工業(Orient Industry)的矽膠性愛娃娃,受封台版伊藤英明 亮哲願全裸露屁屁,已經進化好幾代了! 1977年,蕭煌奇 一棒點亮盲眼游龍 撞壁頭破血染泳池,東方工業推出了「Hohoemi」娃娃。她的描述非常貼切,曾主導合併 林全成關鍵,是個「單純的女孩」,只有頭、乳房、跟一個「蟲洞」。 她的姊妹品,Kagemi、Eika、Hana 1、跟Hana 2稍微進步了點。但是…看起來仍像被「分屍」的屍體,而非引起慾望的對象。 不過,東方工業果然有萬眾一心,不屈不撓的精神,到了2005年,新材質的出現,讓理想更容易實現了。 原本令人錯亂的組合娃娃,變成了「矽膠淑女」,例如這位Ange,在炒飯時一點聲音都不吭,讓你可以百分之百,專心地取悅自己。 Petite Jewel是小隻了點兒,不過重點是,她還是有一對超大胸部。不喜歡她的手指嗎?這可以客製化訂做的!而且還可以指定眼睛和毛髮的顏色喔! 該公司還推出姊妹花!(如果你喜歡那種…成熟姊姊,跟她年幼小妹一起來的情節。) 這位Yasuragi小姐,據稱有6種不同的臉部表情,可供選擇。 想走高級路線嗎?藝妓Tomoko有兩套服裝-和服、兔女郎裝。 你不但能幫她脫衣服,而且藝妓娃娃最大的特色是,她會餵你喝飲料!她的乳頭可以噴水,無論啤酒、紅酒、任何你想得到的液體…都可以噴。這跟餵母乳一模一樣,所以沒什麼好怕的啦! 不過接下來的娃娃種類,就有點問題了…日本人本來就以古怪著稱,所以他們製造這種名叫「Petite Nanos」的戀童癖娃娃,也沒什麼。但是,還不只這樣…來,跟「Lala Dolls」問好。 要是你跟殺人魔Dexter有類似嗜好,那麼,可分屍…噢不,是可組裝的娃娃型號,還是找得到。她的名字很好記,日文就是se-pa-ra-to(可分離的)!  為什麼我們要報這些呢?當然是釣點閱率啊!據統計,有30%到90%的白人男性,都有「亞洲妹控」,只要有一部份的人點了這支影片,我們公司就不怕虧錢了。 不過,還有其他理由,東京銀座香草畫廊(Vanilla Gallery)慶祝營業五周年,舉辦「人造乙女美術館」展覽,展期到今年5月22日止。 在藝廊展出的東方工業娃娃,大多是有穿衣服的,而且是以日本畫家池永康晟(Ikenaga Yasunari)的畫為基礎。 總之…裝夠了假文青,現在有個關鍵的問題:一個娃娃多少錢? 這些隨時可上…架的娃娃,一個要價大約33萬台幣。是有點貴,不過…真愛無價!對吧?日文原文:Check out this sweet-looking Japanese woman at the ofuro. — A far cry from a vaguely female-shaped inflatable beach ball with strategically placed holes.

Orient Industry’s silicone hump dolls have undergone some major evolution.

In 1977, Orient Industry’s founder unveiled Hohoemi, very accurately described as a ‘simple lady’ .. who consisted of only of a head, bosoms and a ‘wormhole’.

Her sisters, Kagemi, Eika and Hana 1 and 2, improved things slightly … but still, with their detachable parts, they were closer to a crime scene than objects of lust.

But Orient Industry had that Japanese ‘gung-ho’ spirit, and by 2005, new materials had made new ideas possible.

Discombobulated dolls gave way to silicone ‘ladies’ such as Ange here, who will not utter a sound during coitus so you can focus 100% on your own pleasure.

Petite Jewel is a tad more petite, but still has those all-important oversized boobs. Hate her fingers? -You can customize them! Plus you can pick eye and hair color — yes, all hair.

The company sells them in pairs, too … if you’re into that sister-and-much younger-sister thing.

Miss Yasuragi’s body reportedly has six different face options … which is hard to understand as who looks at a face?

Looking for something more classy? Geisha Tomoko has a kimono … or a bunny costume.

You can remove her clothing, but the best part about the Geisha is she’s a drink dispenser! She’ll squirt beer, wine or the fluid of your choice out of her nipples … which is EXACTLY like breastfeeding so it’s not creepy at all.

Here’s where we start running into trouble. Japan has enough problems with weirdness without making Pedo dolls called ‘Petite Nanos.’ — But wait! There’s more! Say konnichiwa to ‘Lala Dolls’!

If you’re more of a Dexter-type person, dolls that come in separate pieces are also still available. And her name makes things easy to remember: She’s called ‘Separate’ or se-pa-ra-to in Japanese.

Why are we telling you about this? Click bait, obviously. We figure 30% to 90% of white men have an Asian fetish and if a fraction of you click on this video, we’ll pay our bills.

But there’s another reason, too. For the fifth year running, Vanilla Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo is showing the dolls as an art exhibit until May 22, 2016.

The museum dolls, made by Orient Industry, are mostly clothed and based on paintings of Japanese women by artist Ikenaga Yasunari.

So with the pretentious artsy-fartsy stuff out of the way … down to the real question: how much do the dolls cost?

Well, this ‘always-in-the-mood’ bathing beauty will set you back over US$11,000 … a tad expensive to be sure … but can you put a price on love? Can you?

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