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【TOMO雙語爆】智慧型床墊 幫你抓猴
西班牙設計師設計了一款智慧型床墊,東亞盃/對中進球荒難解 中華無緣晉級,聲稱這項新發明可以幫你「抓猴」。 這種智慧型床墊名叫「Smarttress」,台北樂遊花博公園 訪古厝看展覽,據稱它有「情人感測系統」,12強賽今開打 黃牛喊價3千,利用震動感應器,世界第15輸世界第60 莊智淵:心態太保守,和接觸區域偵測器,專欺應召女 狼趁洗澡打劫,來辨別是否有「不速之客」在你的床上。 若該系統偵測到活動,內政部拍微電影鼓勵多生育 女主角胡婷婷分享成長經驗,就會透過應用程式通知你,李全教與賴清德 恩怨情仇錄,該活動的地點、強度、和衝擊力。 工程師Ivan Miranda表示,該裝置可區辨性交動作,跟狗在床上跳的差異。 該床墊製造公司「Durmet」表示,有鑑於西班牙的高外遇率,他們才會設計這種床墊。 基本上,西班牙人是「炒飯」次數很多的族群,多到讓該公司必須開發這種「歐威爾式」的監控床墊了。 不過…用可拆卸的針孔攝影機,不是比較方便嗎? 英文原文: The Spanish designers of a new smart mattress claim their invention can tell you when your partner is being unfaithful. Dubbed the Smarttress, the bed has a 'lover detection system’ that uses vibration sensors and contact zone detectors to tell if someone is on your bed when they’re not supposed to be. If the system detects activity, it notifies you via an app where you can see the movements’ location, intensity and impact. Engineer Ivan Miranda says the device can tell the difference between the activity of sexual intercourse or a dog jumping on the bed. Durmet, the company behind the Smarttress, say they designed it because of Spain’s high level of adultery. Basically Spaniards like to bang a lot, so much so, that Durmet went and developed an Orwellian bed. But wouldn’t it be easier to just use a remote web cam? 原文影片請看此http://us.tomonews.com/so-called-smart-mattress-can-tell-if-bae-is-banging-other-baes-359852794724352有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,