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Math and English Evaluation Tests數學和英文檢定考試
S: Secretary M: MaryS: Mary,機場捷運列車 挺猿破例啟動, there’s one more thing that you must do for me before you leave.M: What is it?S: You have to take the math and English evaluation tests.M: Why?S: Because you’re from a foreign country. The school needs to find out how good you are at both basic skills.M: It’s so that I can be put into the right math and English classes,焦點評論:醜聞不減太陽花正當性(高思博), right?S: You are a smart girl!M: This is going to take more time than I thought.線上收聽請按中譯秘 書: 瑪麗,為收藏而生 頂級速克達Vespa 946正式在台上市,在妳離開之前,「拳擊外交」 赴中見鄧小平,還有一件事我必須麻煩妳一下。
瑪 麗: 什麼事呢?
秘 書: 妳必須做數學和英文檢定考試。
瑪 麗: 為什麼?
秘 書: 因為妳是外國人。學校需要檢定出妳這兩科的基本程度。
瑪 麗: 那我就可以被編入合適的數學和英文班了,陸築底台港升 大中華股市看好 ,對吧?
秘 書: 妳真是個聰明的女孩!
瑪 麗: 這將比我原先想的還要多花一點時間。
生活必備字詞evaluation test n. 檢定考試evaluation n. 評估Only foreign exchange students and students from other states need to take evaluation tests.so that… 如此一來╱這樣….Speak louder so that Grandma can hear you.
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