【TOMO雙語爆】狙殺賓拉登五週年 恐怖主義未除

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【TOMO雙語爆】狙殺賓拉登五週年 恐怖主義未除


美國海軍海豹部隊(Seals)獵殺賓拉登(Osama bin Laden)滿五週年,武術界斥無武德 打里民襲警頻惹事,美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)承認,工廠排污 南崁溪變「黑龍江」,恐怖主義尚未被擊敗。 歐巴馬向CNN電視台表示,10人應戰險勝 美國分組榜首出線,雖然這名蓋達組織(al-Qaida)領導已被暗殺,馮小剛籲當局 恢復部分繁體字,但世界仍充滿危險。 而他亦表示,退伍60歲才能領終身俸 國防部:勿用網路訊息造成誤會,獵殺賓拉登行動,馬祖發展博弈? 澳門當局:難度很高、謹慎思考,所要傳達的訊息是:美國對於攻擊其國家的組織,報復縱火害6命 男起訴,會加以報復。 關於2011年5月2日,海豹部隊獵殺賓拉登的行動,有數種互相衝突的說法。 大部份版本都同意,突襲行動是由約24名海豹部隊隊員,從阿富汗飛到巴基斯坦執行的。 當地時間,午夜00時30分,兩架黑鷹直升機載著海豹部隊,來到賓拉登位於阿伯塔巴德(Abbottabad)的住所。 其中一架直升機在建築物中墜毀,但機上人員並未受重傷。 另一架直升機安全降落於建築物外,海豹部隊攀牆進入,與裡面的士兵會合。 調查記者西莫•赫許(Seymour Hersh)去年寫了一份報告,指出事實與官方報告不符,當時在該建築物內,並未發生槍戰。 當時的官方報告指,除了賓拉登以外,還有三男一女在突襲中身亡。 其中一名死者,是賓拉登成年兒子Khalid。 一位不具名美國官員表示,當時被殺的死者中,只一人有武器。 關於海豹部隊在該住宅三樓,發現賓拉登的經過,也有多種說法。 海豹隊員Robert O’Neill表示,當時賓拉登躲在一個女人身後,而他射中了賓拉登的額頭兩槍。 然而西莫•赫許寫道,賓拉登被發現時,倒在牆角,且已被槍擊身亡。 海豹部隊以屍袋包住賓拉登遺體,從屋內帶走了一些資料,然後摧毀墜機的黑鷹直升機。 歐巴馬總統向CNN表示,這項突襲行動,展現他並不怕,為了美國的利益,動用武力。 歐巴馬表示,他希望賓拉登生前最後一個念頭,是了解到,美國並沒有遺忘,在911事件中,被蓋達組織殺死的三千人民。 而歐巴馬總統也認同,要對抗恐怖主義,美國應與同盟國合作,共同處理導致極端份子招募黨羽的政治經濟問題。  英文原文:

Five years after U.S. Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama admitted the ideology of terror had not been defeated.

Speaking to CNN, Obama said the world was still a dangerous place despite the assassination of the al-Qaida leader.

However, Obama said the killing of bin Laden sent a message the U.S. would seek revenge on those who attacked the country.

Conflicting accounts exist about Osama bin Laden’s death at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs on May 2, 2011.

It’s widely agreed the raid was conducted by about two dozen SEALs, who flew into Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Two Black Hawk helicopters carrying the SEALs arrived at bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound 30 minutes after midnight, local time.

One of the helicopters crashed inside the compound, but no-one aboard was seriously injured.

The other Black Hawk landed safely outside the compound and the SEALs scaled the wall to join their cohorts inside.

Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh wrote last year that contrary to initial reports, there was no firefight at the compound.

Reports at the time said three men and a woman were killed in the raid, along with bin Laden.

One of the men killed was reportedly bin Laden’s adult son, Khalid.

According to an unnamed U.S. official, only one of those killed by the SEALs was armed.

Accounts also differ about what happened when SEALs encountered Bin Laden on the third floor of the house.

SEAL Robert O’Neill said he shot bin Laden twice in the forehead as the al-Qaida leader hid behind a woman for cover.

However, Seymour Hersh wrote that according to his sources, bin Laden was found cowering and shot dead.

The SEALs left with bin Laden’s body in a bag and materials seized from the house after destroying the crashed Black Hawk.

President Obama told CNN the raid served as evidence he wasn’t afraid to act forcefully for American interests.

Obama said he hoped bin Laden’s last thoughts were to realize America hadn’t forgotten the 3,000 people killed by al-Qaida on 9/11.

But the president acknowledged the U.S. had to tackle the threat of terror by working with its allies to address the political and economic grievances that help extremists to recruit members.

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